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Meter Information

  • Frequency: read monthly
  • Technique: All meters are read electronically
  • Touch Read: Our meters are read by touching a wand to the touch pad mounted in the lid. This process takes less than five seconds and may read more than one meter in the same meter pit. This signifcantly increases the quanity of meters that may be read by one person in a work day.
  • Radio Read: The City is trying to achieve all meters to the new upgraded system of radio meters. The radio read send all data to our Water departments hand held device by simply just driving by. By installing these new meters the City is able to track up to a 90-day usage cycle.

The City of Payette Water Department reads every month on or near the 26th. Please make sure all vehicles and equipment are removed from the meter pit area as well as any gates unlocked to assure access to your meter. If there is any abnormal usage, please notify City Hall as soon as the problem arises. Every month after usages are calculated and reports are drafted, any high or abnormal usages will be contacted via phone, email or door hanger to pinpoint the possible issue.