1301 Amending Sections 8.08.020 Permit Self Haulers to Remove Waste from their Premise FY 11/20/2008
1283 Amending Sections 13.04.260, Table A2.1 to Repeal 1.5" and 3" Water Meter Service FY 08/06/2007
1270 repealing Chapter 6.08 Sections 6.08.010 through 6.08.140 Dog License Requirements FY 10/3/2006
1258 Creating a New Subsection A of Section 12.04.250 Repealing Conflicting Ordinances FY 03/06/2006
1145 Annexing Real Property - NW Corner of 7th Ave North and Highway 95 - Claude Bruce FY 06/16/1997
1123 Abandoning Portion of a Right-Of-Way- South 6th St and Center Ave - 3rd Ave South FY 01/15/1996
999 Approving and Confirming the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No 89-1 FY 03/05/1990
840 Repealing Chapter 10 of Title 1 Providing for the Appointment of Election Officers FY 11/03/1975
824 Amending Chapter 1 of Title 4 Providing for the Adoption of the 1973 Building Code FY 02/03/1975
676 Ordinance Amending Section 1-11-1 Relating to Salaries of the Mayor and Councilmen FY 08/19/1963
492 Excluding from the Corporate Limits of the City of Payette a Certain Tract of Land FY 04/15/1946
250 Prohibiting the Peddling or Sale of Fruits and Vegetables on the City Right of Way FY 11/28/1913