66.9°   Mostly Cloudy

Streets & Parks Department

 The Payette Streets & Parks Department maintains all city streets through quick removal of snow, ice, leaves and brush—ensuring streets are safe and passable at all times. And, as necessary, the Department administers projects to fix any street hazards or improve the flow of traffic throughout our community.


General Street Cleaning

Maintaining a clean appearance in Payette is important to us! Keeping the roadways free of illegal signs, deceased animals and large debris are an integral part of street cleaning. Thoroughfares are checked frequently and the Street Department also accepts citizen requests. Private or commercial signs cannot be placed in the City right-of-way (ROW). The ROW is the area of land between the road edge and the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk present, contact the City Hall to determine ROW width.  



Street Sweeping

The Street Department is responsible for the daily maintenance of 104+ miles of road! Clean streets and gutters not only give the City an overall clean appearance, but reduce traffic accidents and air pollution caused by fine dust particles or debris on the roadway.   Cleaning streets and gutters also prevents blockage of storm drainage. Debris in the storm drains lead to costly repairs, cleaning, and often times flooding. Rain and cold temperatures may restrict street sweeping operations.

Spot Patching

The purpose of spot patching is to temporarily repair City streets until the entire street is resurfaced or reconstructed by the the Street Department   During the warmer months we use "hotmix" asphalt purchased from local asphalt plants. However, asphalt plants close during colder months and we must then use "cold patch" compound. Cold patch is not as long-lasting as hot mix and must be replaced when feasible. 

•Spot patching is a continual operation

•Spot patch crews check thoroughfares and residential streets on a regular basis

Major Patching

The purpose of major patching is to permanently repair larger areas of damage in streets. Major patching examples:

•Areas where potholes are clustered

•Sinking Water main breaks

•Utility access cuts in street

•Areas of a street that have weakened