
Payette Planning & Community Development

The Planning and Zoning Department's mission is to enhance the quality of life offered to those who live and work in our community through long range comprehensive land use planning.  We are working diligently to encourage a balance of uses, agricultural, residential, commercial and industrial development within the City in order to promote an environment of sustainability and enhance Payette's special character and quality of life.


Building Inspection 

  • Reviewing building permit applications and processing permit requests.
  • Providing information to the general public on codes and regulations.
  • Working with planning and engineering staff in the review of development projects.
  • Performing inspections to ensure that projects are building in accordance with specified approvals.
The intent of this process is to improve the communication between project applicants and City staff, and eliminate repetitive review cycles. Please call 642-6024 to schedule a meeting time. 


Use the following link to contact our Building Inspector:

Steve Pierson 

Use the following link to schedule a building inspection:

Inspection link