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Downtown Revitalization Steering Committee

The City of Payette is excited to be planning for the revitalization of our Downtown by developing a Plan that will provide guidance for new development and improvements within a portion of the Downtown Area through policies, guidelines, and illustrations that implement the community vision and objectives for a vibrant destination Downtown. 

The Revitalization Plan process will occur in close collaboration with all interested community members. The foundation for the Downtown Revitalization Plan will be laid through the completion of a series of community planning workshops beginning in February 2022 where community input on a vision for the Downtown’s future will be gathered.

The Downtown will serve as an important gathering place within the local community as well as a symbolic center for all of the Payette area, continuing the City’s focus to support quality of life for all residents of Payette. 

Downtown Revitalization Strategic Team Members:

Ray Wickersham                                Gretchen Couch

Bobbie Black                                     Tracy Johnson

Barbara Choate                                 Mike Dart

Jim Franklin                                      Matea Gabiola

Kathy Patrick                                    Doug Argo, City Engineer


 Please click here to view the digital video and pictures of the revitalization project.