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Water Conservation Tips

How much water do my plants need? Established plantings need to be watered only once a week, especially if they are surrounded by mulch, which helps keep moisture in the soil. Apply enough water to wet the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches. Use a screwdriver to check the depth water has actually reached. New plantings need more frequent watering during the first two years. When selecting new plants, use native or drought tolerant plants that are recommended for this area.

You can check your own meter to see if you have a leak. If you are not using water and the "leak detector" dial in the middle is turning then you have a leak.
Knowing where your water cut-off valve is can prevent headaches in an emergency when you need to quickly shut off the water!

 Reduce Water Pollution - What can I do?

Wash your car at a carwash
The water will go to the sanitary sewer. Wash your car on the grass or place that drains to a grassy area. If you can’t wash your car at a carwash or in a grassy area, be sure to follow this environmentally friendly detergent.

Lawn Chemicals Buy only what you need, share with neighbors, don’t apply on a windy day and be sure rain is not predicted. If you get any on the driveway or street, sweep it up.

Trash Put out morning of collection, pick-up dropped trash and don’t allow trash to blow from vehicles.

Water Pollution Flows from Curbs to Creeks
Water in the storm drain system flows to our creeks and waterways. Our creeks cannot clean themselves; we have to keep pollutants out of our water.

The most common way pollutants enter our surface water is through the storm drain system. The storm drain system consists of the natural and manmade channels and underground pipes (storm drains) that transport rainwater from streets, yards and other areas.
The water goes directly to our creeks, rivers and lakes carrying surface pollutants with it. Water entering the storm drain system is not treated. Therefore, controlling pollutants at their source to the maximum extent practicable is the best choice of actions.
What CAN Be Discharged To The Storm Drain System?

  • A discharge that is permitted by EPA
  • Water discharge from fire fighting activities by the Fire Department, if non-hazardous
  • Agricultural storm water runoff, lawn watering, landscape irrigation or other irrigation water
  • Uncontaminated discharge or flow from a foundation drain, crawl space pump, or footing drain
  • Discharge from individual residential car washing (external surfaces)

What CANNOT Be Discharged To The Storm Drain System?

  • Any used motor oil, antifreeze or any other vehicle fluid.
  • Any industrial waste.
  • Any hazardous waste, including household hazardous wastes.
  • Any domestic sewage, septic system waste, grease trap waste, or grit trap waste.
  • Any wastewater from a commercial carwash facility or from any vehicle washing, cleaning or maintenance, including new and used car dealerships, repair shops, and any business that washes its vehicles.
  • Wastewater from washing down buildings and parking lots that contains soap, detergents, degreasers, or any other harmful cleaning agent.
  • Run-off or wash-down from animal pens or livestock areas.

- Fully load the dishwasher and clothes washer before running.

- Defrost frozen food in the refrigerator or in the microwave instead of running hot water over the food.

- When washing dishes by hand, do not let th ewater run.

- Use a broom, rather than a hose, to clean sidewalks and driveways.

- Repair dripping faucets and leaky toilets. Dripping faucets can waste up to 2,000 gallson of water each year in the average home. Leaky toilets can waste as much as 200 gallons per day.

- Do not leave the sink running while you brush your teeth.

Drinking water is one of our most important and valuable natural resources. We urge you to conserve water, and also your money, by using it wisely.